KPI Dashboard

Developer Autologica

Track the most important KPIs for each department of the dealership.

KPI Dashboard for dealership managers and principals

Track your dealership’s key performance indicators in Autologica Sky DMS.

What is the KPI Dashboard?

Our mobile and web application for managers and principals lets you track the main KPIs for each department of the dealership, covering sales of new and used vehicles, parts and services. The KPI Dashboard lets you apply filters by dealership, branch and warehouse, and is fully integrated with data in Autologica Sky DMS.

Ideal for principals and managers

Access your KPI Dashboard anytime and from anywhere, from your computer or mobile device.

Key Indicators

Monitor KPIs for the dealership’s main business units: sales of new and used vehicles, parts, and services. Review KPIs for each location and for different periods.

Dig deeper with BI

Learn more about each KPI using Autologica BI. Navigate each piece of information to see its composition, detect trends and predict opportunities.

This feature is included free in Autologica Sky DMS.


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Integrated with

Autologica Sky DMS








Autologica Sky DMS

Links of interest
KPI Dashboard on the web